
About Us

Kidssafe started as a response to aspects that lead kids into lacking of opportunity to enjoy their basic rights and human needs which results into many of them opting to seek shelter in streets as a way of coping with stressed situation. In order to cope with life in streets , they have to abide to the “law of the jungle”, and they engage in deviance behaviors and other social and health risks such as both physical, emotional and sexual and drug and substances.
They eventually put themselves into the risks of contracting STD or HIV and eventually AIDS, those who survive become unproductive to themselves and the national at large.
Kidsafe was registered in 2006 with the name ”kids safe” in order to reflect the mission and vision of the organization.
The main purpose of the organization is supporting and protecting kids from vulnerability and deviance behaviors through provision of psycho social support, empowering guardians, and enhancing community involvement and participation in care and support of the vulnerable children and families.
The activities of the organization is looking for root causes of kids vulnerability and then finding ways to eliminate those reasons before they become street children.
Kidssafe Fund is dedicated to alleviating the root causes of the kids’ vulnerability before they become street children as well as those who are already in the streets.
Kidssafe addresses three types of street kids namely:
Full-time street children
Those who live, sleep,eat and work on the street without adult care due to mistreatment at home, parent death
Part-time street children from poor families
Those who spend part of time of each day on the street, begging, playing or working, and then return home at night, Party-time street children from parents who work and don’t have time to supervise their kids due to negligence or poverty that force them to work throughout the day and come home late, stressed and tired.


A society with well brought up, honesty, law abiding and productive workforce kids/youth for their personal and National development.


To alleviate the source of vulnerability that lead kids into becoming street children and other related social deviance behaviors such as alcoholism, drug abuse, child sexual and other forms of child abuse.


To build a more caring society for kids and enhance productivity in kids/youth for their personal, community and national development, hence reduce poverty.

Main Objective:

  • Addressing sources of deviant behaviors in kids/ youths at family, community, schools and colleges level.
  • Provide safe educational awareness through day care centers, domestic worker’s center and recreation centers.
  • Mentor youth through sports, community services and hand on training to help them grow into responsive citizens.
  • Enhance community safe parenting and involvement in provision of care and support for kids healthy and productive growth
  • Promote and involvement in parenting education and good family relationship
  • Dangerous cults awareness at family, community, schools and college levels.
  • Education on health and nutrition services for women and children.


Honesty & Integrity beyond Reproach:

We commit to the highest standards of conduct and ethical practice in all of our endeavors and will continually strive for fairness and honesty and exercise integrity beyond reproach.


We are committed to maintaining the public trust. Our organization’s growth is based on interactions that promote mutual trust and respect with our stakeholders and the public. We continually strive to operate openly and transparently with clear accountability to the public as we pursue our mission.


We practice responsible stewardship and efficient use of the resources entrusted to us. We strive to ensure the highest level of organizational effectiveness by continually reviewing our programs and processes to improve quality and efficiency.

Community service:

We believe the greatest influence on a child is the family and the greatest influence on the family is the community. We recognize the importance of working with a wide range of community stakeholders. We are committed to forging partnerships that combine diverse strengths, skills and resources. We value the input we receive from our community partners. We know that lasting success depends upon working together cooperatively and constructively.

Respects for children and Youth:

We believe that children and youth are our most precious resources. We believe in an approach to youth development that builds assets and empowers individuals. We foster leadership, engaging children and youth to give service and make decisions in a democratic society.

Integrity :

We aspire to live to the highest standards of personal honesty behavior; never compromise our reputation and always act in the best interests of children and youth.


Create a Partnership with Impact


We'd love to here from you, if you have any inquiring pleas comtact us we available all time 24hrs


Rhino Modeco A Mazimbu,Morogoro town 530 , Morogoro



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